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Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Smallville - AGELESS Dialogues

These are some of dialogues from Smallville series Season 4 Episode 20 AGELESS
These dialog, wow.....

Handle crying baby at hospital
I’ve tried everything. The baby won’t stop
Is he okay?
If U can believe it. All this crying is a good sign. The doctor said he’s healthy.
I’m gonna go talk to the nurses, find out if we can get more formula.
Here, U take over!
Wow.. looks like some one has the magic touch.
I’ll be right back

What’s even weirder is the way Clark is with the baby.
Let me guess. He’s completely baby-phobic?
Actually, exactly the opposite.
U should see the look in his eyes when he’s holding the baby. It’s like he’s completely ease. Not mention, he’s a natural-born baby burper.

Special Babay Boy
“U must be very kind to him.. to teach him all he needs … to know rabbit land for he is going to live with us forever and ever”
Why are U looking me like that?
U are a very, very special boy, Evan.
I think that U are the most special little boy that I have ever met.
Yes. And U very lucky, because there are so many more books for U to read. And so many places for U to see?
Like what?
Like a real windmill.

Where’s my parents
Every one supposed to have a mother and father. They supposed to love each other very much, just like U and Lana.
If you’re not my mom and Dad, Where are they?
Wherever they are, I’m sure they’re love U much.

I’m dying, aren’t I?
Evan, don’t say like that.
I read the average life span of a man is 74 years. I’ve aged from new born to a teenager in 48 hours.
Do the math!
Evan, we’re not gonna give up.
This whole thing is not fair!

I have done something bad.
Evan, tell me what happened?
It was an accident. A mistake.
We all make mistakes. It’s part of what’s make a human.

After the death
Can’t believe he’s gone,
This whole year, I’ve felt so disconnected. But when Evan come into my life, it was like I finally knew where I belong. I had a purpose.
He only lived for a short time.
It seems like Evan’s affected us like we know him, our whole lives.
We think we have all the time in the world, that we’re going to life forever, but it’s not true.
I guess we should make the most of the time we have before it’s too late.

This was his favorite book.
That was my favorite book when I was a kid.
I used to pretend that I was a rabbi. That I was just like him, and my parents had brought me to life with their love.
My only hope is that Evan felt that way about us.

I’m not human
U did everything U could, Clark?
I’m sure Evan knew that.
All the times that I’ve run off or disappeared or almost died, how do U guys deal with that?
Well, It isn’t easy, Clark.
But I doesn’t come with the territory.
U see, every parents greatest fear is that one day they will lose their child forever.
Seems like raising a kid is the toughest job in the world.
Well, it’s almost the most rewarding.
There’s nothing quite like watching your son grow up into a young man U can be very proud of.
It’s too bad. I’ll neve know what’s that like.
Why not?
I’m from another planet. I’m not even human. Who knows if I can have kids?
Clark, Your father and I couldn’t have children. But we’re still blessed a son.
U never know what the future will bring U.

Clark Kent ; Martha Kent ; Jonathan Kent ; Lana Lang ; Evan ; Chloe

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